Networking Exchanges

Group photo of the 6th World Landslide Forum


In the framework of the global geo-disaster risk reduction activities the Chair is a member of the following international associations:

  • International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) (founding member since 2002);
  • International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction (ICGdR) (since 2014);
  • Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) (founding member since 2015);
  • Joint International Center on Natural Hazards (JIC-Nh) (co-founding member with the Shimane and the  Beijing universities since 2016). This is a new collaborative platform for engaging discussion, sharing knowledge and promoting networks on topics related to risk reduction and resilience to disasters, based on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR).

The UNESCO Chair, together with the International Consortium on Landslides co-organized the 6th World Landslide Forum, which took place in Florence from 14 to 17 November 2023. The 6th World Landslide Forum was organized within the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) and supported by five United Nations organizations (UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNDRR, UNU) and four international scientific organizations (ISC, WFEO, and IUGS). The 6th World Landslide Forum was entitled Landslide Science for Sustainable Development and contributed to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, through the Kyoto Commitment for Landslide Risk Reduction. The aim of the Forum was to create a common platform to promote cooperation between scientists, technicians, experts and policy makers concerned with landslides in order to define common priority actions for risk reduction on a global scale. The Forum dealt with the main aspects related to landslide analysis; landslide monitoring and early warning, landslide modeling, landslide hazard and risk assessment, risk mitigation techniques, landslide triggering mechanism and climate change.


The Chair participated also to the organization of the 5th World Forum on the Landslides (WLF 5), held in Kyoto from 2 to 6 November 2021 and the 4th World Forum on Landslides (WLF 4), held in Ljubljana from May 29th to June 2nd 2017.

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