The UNESCO Chair is signatory of the Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020 (KLC2020) for global promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk. The Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020 is a duty to the Sendai Landslide Partnerships 2015-2025, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals, the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. KLC2020 is a platform aimed at providing support to regional, national and local efforts, triggering exchanges on good practices and twinning and building the capacity of institutions and professionals at the national and local levels. The KLC2020 was preliminarly signed by the UNESCO Chair during the ICL IPL conference on September 18th 2019 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, and definitively signed during the Launching Session of the 5th World Landslide Forum, on 5th November 2021, with the participation of United Nations organizations and all the signatories of the commitment.
As member of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) the Chair is signatory of the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnership 2015-2025 for global promotion of understanding and reducing disaster risk, launched by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) and by the International Consortium on Landslides. The Sendai Partnership was accepted and signed during the 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in Sendai (March 11-15th 2015).
The Chair contributed to the "2023 Florence Declaration on Landslide Risk Reduction”, which represents a further commitment of the global landslide community to the Kyoto 2020 Commitment under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Florence Declaration was adopted during the opening ceremony of the 6th World Landslide Forum, which took place in Florence from November 14-17, 2023.
During the 4th World Landslide Forum, held in Ljubljana from May 29th-June 2nd 2017, the Chair has contributed to the "Ljubljana Declaration" on Landslide Risk Reduction, together with all of the participants to the forum, as a further commitment on the part of the global landslide community to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
The Chair also participated to the World Conference "Mobilising the UNESCO Chairs in Natural Sciences for political action towards the 2030 Agenda", held in Geneva from July 5th-7th 2017, where the "Geneva Milestone" was signed. In this document guidelines is described how the UNESCO Chairs can contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for a Sustainable Development, by means of the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs).
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